Sensitivity and Diversity in Manuscripts
The number of books with ethnic characters has risen over the last few years. Because publishing houses are looking for more diversity in what authors are submitting, non-ethnic writers need to address some important issues when it pertains to diversity in their manuscripts.
This workshop addresses writing about a culture outside of your own and the need for sensitivity readers.
The Importance of Your Pitch
Pitching your book is one of the most important things you’ll do as an author. A memorable pitch can help a book go a long way in a crowded marketplace. It’s a concise, one or two sentences used to sell your book to an editor, agent, and eventually to readers. This workshop will give tips on how to create a killer pitch.
Diverse Books and Who Should Write Them
For non-ethnic writers to understand how to include diversity in their manuscripts, they also need to address some important issues: Can white author write characters of color? What does diversity in Publishing look like in the Age of Black Lives Matter? Should white authors be afraid to write about people who are BIPOC? Writers need to address these questions because publishing houses are looking for more diversity in what authors are submitting.
This workshop addresses the impact of writing about a culture outside of your own.
What’s Your Voice?
One of the biggest struggles new writers face is how to find their writing voice. It’s also the key to unlocking their creative potential. Spending time deliberating over voice is worth your attention and focus. No matter what you write—fiction or nonfiction—your voice is essential. Take time to learn your unique voice.
Meeting with Agents and Editors and Things They Wished Writers Knew
Meeting with agents and editors at conferences—whether in person or online—is usually a time-limited event. The sessions vary in length but are typically short, lasting anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. Being prepared to get the most out of meeting with agents and editors is essential. This workshop will give suggestions for meeting with agents and editors and things they wished writers knew.
Armor of a Writer
Ephesians 6 reminds us to put on the entire armor of God. Why? To prepare for battle. As writers if we are going to run our race with excellence we need to put on a writer's armor. The stories we pen today can impact generations to come and that’s a huge responsibility. No wonder we’re under attack. This workshop will introduce the different parts of a writer’s armor as it relates to the armor of God and what it means to put it on.
From Concept to Contract
You have an idea for a book, now what? Learn steps to go from the idea of a story to a contract. This workshop moves through the process of concept, community, conferences, and contracts. Publishing terms will also be addressed to help writers navigate the publishing industry with knowledge and confidence.
Creating Believable Characters
The most memorable characters stay with us long after we’ve finished the novel because they’re complex and multi-dimensional. We may not like them because they’re unlikeable, but when they are well-drawn, we understand them and empathize.
The why and the what of your character will help you understand her purpose, personality, and past which will lead to her growth.
The Danger and Power of Words
God has given writers a powerful tool to use—our words. Lives are impacted by what we say and what we write. As authors we have the potential to change the world, reach generations to come, and help a hurting and racially divided nation one word at a time. Join me as we look at the danger and power of words.